
After you have sent the email with your contacts, you will find the address book as an attachment to the e-mail message in ".csv" format ready to be imported into your gmail account.

Here are the steps you now need to take in order to import them into Outlook:

  • Open Outlook.
  • Make sure you have a backup of you original Outlook contacts. You can do this by:
    • Choose "Import/Export" from the "File" Menu.
    • Select "Export to a File". Click "Next".
    • Select "Comma Separated Values (Windows)" (but you could chose other formats). Click "Next".
    • Choose "Contacts" from the "Personal Folders". Click "Next".
    • Choose the file where you want to save the backup contacts. Click "Next".
    • Click Finish.
  • Now save the attachment. You can do this by right-clicking the name of the file and chosing "Save As" from the menu. It should be called "outlook_contacts.csv".
  • Choose "Import/Export" from the "File" Menu.
  • Select "Import from another program or file". Click "Next".
  • Choose "Comma Separated Values (Windows)" (make sure to chose Windows and not DOS). Click Next.
  • Click "Browse" and locate the attachment previously saved in step (3); most likely outlook_contacts.csv.Click "Next".
  • Choose "Contacts" under "Personal Folders" as the destination folder. Click "Finish".

You will now find the new contacts imported. They will be imported into a group called "iphone". If your contacts were organized in groups in the iPhone/iPad address book, you will also find these new groups created. The names of the groups are preceeded by the word "iphone_".